This is the version of predestination that I lean more toward. In this view, God in His omniscience already knows eternity. He can see the beginning and the ending of time. He already sees how the tapestry will look. Therefore, He knows who will answer the call and know ahead of time who will enter the gates.
Sproul (author of Chosen by God) disagrees with this stance though he once was in support of this in the past. He believes that we can only answer God's call because He has called. The calling comes first. The acceptance second. I tend to believe that but that the only calls those that He knows will answer. He might send us to witness to someone who might not be called but it might be more for our benefit and not for the other person's.
As I read more on this topic in comparing the "foreknowledge" vs. the "reformed" view, I feel that it comes more to semantics. In the end we all have to answer on accepting Christ as our Savior or not. It does not excuse us from witnessing and doing our part of the great commission.