All About Reading

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Advantages of Reading More Advanced Books

Reading books can be fun. Children love to get into the stories. Yet, there comes a time when they might need to be reading more advanced books. Why? There are several advantages to reading books more advanced that what your child typically reads.

By reading more advanced books, children get to see that there is more to reading. They can get excited about more words and deeper adventures. If a child thinks that what they have before them is all there is, the thrill of reading might diminish. Keep the thrill alive by letting them look over more advanced books and even trying them.

A child gets pushed academically and mentally when they are exposed to more advanced books. They are not hounded to do better or expected to be prodigies. They do get out of the rut they might themselves in. Advanced books keep children from being complacent. When a child is pushed, they are challenged. Research has shown that when the brain is challenged, it grows stronger (as seen in older patients). Pushing the brain to think harder gives your child the ability to think further and deeper.

When a child is exposed to books above their reading level they begin to expand how their brain thinks. Too many times, children get into classes that they find hard. They cannot “think outside the box”. They might get used to having things “fed” to them or answers being found quickly and easily. By having a child look to more advanced books, it has the mind find new ways to think. Cells and pathways are opened up and more parts of the brain begin to challenged and used. Many times children will begin to find that they have a larger vocabulary or can reason situations out much quicker. The brain can get its exercise.

The critical thinking skills of a child improve when they are challenged with more advanced reading. This is done mainly by more complex sentence structure, new words, and scenarios that require more thinking. Add more advanced reading with discussion, and the child’s mind learns to think in three dimensions. They begin to look for other reasons a character might act a certain way. They will begin to anticipate more complicated scenes.

When children are using more advanced reading material, there are effects on other subjects. They begin to see vocabulary words in other subjects. They begin to use those critical thinking skills on math and science. The light bulb comes on. The reasoning and problem solving that is used in more advanced reading can be used anywhere in life. You could see a mass improvement in other areas.

Exposing your child to more advanced reading material is a great way to challenge them and get them even more excited about reading. The key is to not give them material that is too advanced which can actually discourage them from reading. Making reading exciting and not scary.

Want to help your children learn to read more and enjoy it? Check out All About Reading. You won't be disappointed.

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