How many of the following homonyms are you familiar with? In this article, you will learn about homonyms from bloc to born.
Bloc and block
A bloc is a group of legislators that band together to vote on a common interest. It is usually made up of those from both political parties.
The farm bloc received a lot of money from local farmers.
A block is a square shaped object.
A block of wood is needed for the building project.
Boar, Boer, boor, and bore
A boar is a wild pig.
The young men took a trip to hunt boar.
A Boer is a meat goat of South African descent.
The deep red color of the young female Boer goat made every buyer at the auction long to own her.
A boor is a rude or unmannerly individual.
People of the small community tended to stay away from the boor.
If you bore people, they tend to lose interest and fall asleep.
Marlene didn’t attend the lecture because she knew that it would bore her.
Board and bored
A board is a piece of wood that has been sawed thin.
The stack of boards were to be used to build a closet.
When one is bored, one has no interest in what is happening.
Sandy was bored to tears by the lecture she was required to attend.
Boarder and border
A boarder is a lodger who pays rent.
One of Shelley’s boarders gave her the creeps.
A border is the part or edge of a surface or area that forms its outer boundary.
The border of the property ran right along the edge of the woods.
Bode and bowed
Bode is a verb that means to be an omen of.
The economic status of the country bodes of hard times ahead.
Bowed means curved.
The boards have were bowed from prolonged exposure to heat and sunlight.
Bold and bowled
Bold means brave.
It takes a bold young man to approach Leah’s father and ask permission to take her on a date.
Bowled, when used as a verb phrase with the word over, means to surprise greatly.
Jack and Frieda were bowled over when their daughter walked through the door and announced that her boyfriend was no longer her boyfriend, he was now her husband.
Bolder and boulder
When one is bolder, one is braver.
Could Joseph prove he was bolder than his brothers?
A boulder is a huge rock.
Car after car crashed into the boulder that just appeared in the middle of the highway.
Bole, boll, and bowl
A bole is the stem or trunk of a tree.
The bole of the tree was so thick it would take days to cut it down.
Boll is the rounded seed vessel or pod of a plant.
The cotton bolls were infested with bugs.
A bowl is a rounded dish.
All of the bowls in the kitchen were dirty.
Boos and booze
Boos are cries of disapproval from an audience.
Her long awaited performance brought only boos from the disappointed fans.
Booze is whiskey or other alcoholic beverage.
The trooper found the wrecked car full of stolen booze.
Born, borne, and bourn
Born means to be brought forth by birth.
Her children have all been born at the local hospital.
Borne is the past participle of bear.
Surely Christ hath borne our griefs.
A bourn is a small stream or boundary.
The bourn behind the cottage is where she found her lost ring.
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