Most people do not know proper book etiquette. Yes, there is a proper way to handle a
book. By treating a book just right, you
are ensuring that the book lasts and give enjoyment to you and to others for
years to come. Wouldn’t it be great to
hand down a collection of Beatrix Potter stories to your children’s children
and see it still in good condition to last a few more generations?
There are books in existence today that are hundreds of
years old because someone took real good care of them. So, how can you treat your book well and give
it long life? Follow these suggestions:
Clean Hands –
Always open a book and handle it with clean hands. You would be amazed at what all ends up on
your hands throughout the day and transfers to the things you touch. It could be food, makeup, or even dirt. If you do not have clean hands, you transfer
that grease and grime to the pages of the beloved book. Before long, the book will look older than it
is and even some words could become illegible.
No Food or Drink
– When you eat and drink while reading, you are more than likely going to share
some of the food with your book. You
might think that children are the only ones who do that. Yes, children will always share with the book
their lunch or snack. So, for them that
is a great idea not to eat and read at the same time. But adults are guilty of it, too. We don’t mean to do it, but in our habit of
eating while deeply engrossed in our books we tend to share. It is very easy to be eating that chocolate
chip muffin and drinking the latte while reading a classic. Just as the door mysteriously opens for the
heroine, our chocolate fingers turn the page.
Oops! It is hard for adults to
not read and eat at the same time as we do it on our lunch breaks. Try to keep a napkin handy and be very
conscience in not sharing your food.
Books are not
Coasters – Too many times people use their books as coasters. This damages the cover of the book and makes
it less attractive. It can even totally
warp the pretty cover. Use a real
coaster and keep the book clean.
Keep on the Shelf
– It is important that when a book is not being read that it stays on the
shelf. This keeps the book protected
from spills, children, and other potential damage. The bookshelf is the books home where it
should remain safe and sound.
Use Bookmarks –
It is so easy to just bend the corner of a page to mark where you last
read. This is damaging to the book as
over time that part of the page weakens and eventually tears off. Keep your pages safe by always using a
bookmark. You do not have to purchase a
fancy bookmark. A scrap of paper will
do. But you can have fun making your own
Kind to the Spine
– You are in the middle of reading your latest book. The phone rings. What do you do? Lay the book down completely open to the page
you were reading. Yes, it is easy to
pick it up and begin reading again, but you are now putting undue stress on the
spine of your book. This weakens the
spine which later can lead to the book falling apart. Always use a bookmark and close your book
Limit Accessibility
to Children/Pets – Yes, we want our children to enjoy books, but there are
times when we need to limit how easy it is to get a book. It is sickening to open up a book that you
love and find where little Jane or John decided that the book was boring
without pictures and decided to help you.
Until children are taught proper book etiquette, it might be wise to
keep books out of the reach of children.
Even their own books can become victim of the “crayon monster”. In addition to children, keep books out of
the reach of pets. Dogs love to chew and
nothing is too good for them. Protect
your books.
If you follow these tips and take good care of your books,
they will last for years. This does not
take into account the quality of the pages or the binding. There are some books poorly put together and
have the pages falling out as soon as they are opening. But if you have good quality books, you can
enjoy them for decades. Enjoy your books
and pass them on to others.
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