All About Reading

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

To Homeschool or Not to Homeschool - That is the Question

by Beth Armstrong I wonder how many times over the past five years I asked myself that question before I made my final decision. It wasn’t easy and to this day I still question whether they are getting the best possible teaching from me. If you decide to do it you will question yourself many times too. However, your answer will always be given you in the form of your child suddenly getting this excited look on his/her face when they finally understand a concept. Homeschooling is never an easy decision. You weigh the pros and cons many times over before you make your final decision. There are two main reasons parents decide to homeschool their children. One, they don’t like that GOD has been taken out of everything, nor do they like what their children are forced to learn. The second reason, their children are having major difficulty learning in the school setting where they have to compete to learn with about twenty to thirty more children and many times those that just can’t get it, fall through the cracks—sad but very true! Some are a mixture of both. I pulled my children out because they needed more one-on-one teaching than their teachers were able to give during the day. I taught public school for three years—exceptional education—and I loved each and every minute of it. I am also the mother of two children who were in exceptional education. My son has a learning disability and my daughter is dyslexic. That is when I decided, if I ever wanted my children to see and reach their true potential, and realize they are better than their “label”, I would have to show them. The teachers simply did not have the time for my children, well I did and do. I had more time to teach them the way the needed to be taught and I could take one-on-one time with them as much as they needed. I knew what my children were capable of and I was tired of them coming home and telling me how stupid they were, because they couldn’t get it in class. I wanted my son and my daughter to have a chance. I prayed and meditated on it and was shown the way. I took them home. Although my patience is tried more often than not, I would not give this up for the world. They are closer to each other than they ever have been and our relationship has become stronger because I am no longer getting onto them for what their teacher couldn’t do. They have excelled incredibly. They learn quickly and they learn easily and they learn happily. I know I have done the right thing when my children have that EUREKA moment, the moment they finally understand the concept. What an about-face from last year. They claim they love it and I really can see it and now they are excited about learning. What more could I ask for? Homeschooling is not for everyone. It takes a lot of patience and perseverance and self-discipline, but if you believe you can do it, trust me, your children will be better off for it. If you are not sure about it, then it is not the time to take on homeschooling your children. If you are supposed to homeschool your children, I promise, you will be shown the way. You are your child’s or children’s first teacher. It took me five years to decide what to do and honestly I wish I had started from the beginning. It has been a blessing for me! If anyone wishes to contact me and discuss homeschooling I will be more than happy to. My e-mail is, best wishes!

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