All About Reading

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Reading Services for the Elderly

Reading is such an enjoyable pastime.  People of all ages devour books, yet there comes a time when reading is not possible.  As people age, their eyesight diminishes and, therefore, reading occurs less and less.  A great way to help the elderly still enjoy the latest bestseller or a favorite classic is to initiate an elderly reading program.

Check with the local nursing home, assisted living, or local church.  Hospitals can even be a good place to look into.  See if they would be interested in having people, including children, come in and read to the residents.

This is a great opportunity for those that are reading as it allows them more reading practice and helps them get used to reading aloud.  For those that are being read to, this brings the written word back to life for them.

Once you have a site that will allow the reading program, organize dates and times.  This will vary from facility to facility.  Some will need readers during the day maybe right after lunch.  Others will have you come in after dinner to help them relax before bed.

If you haven’t already gotten other volunteers to help read, you might want to consider doing that now.  You could make it a family charity event where Mom, Dad, and all the children provide the reading services.  Or, you could open it up the school, church, or community.  Have signup sheets and make sure that there is a process to get substitutes if something comes up and the reader cannot attend.  It is very important that the person who is receiving this wonderful service is not left out in the cold.

What kind of books will you read?  It might be easier to establish beforehand which books you will not read.  If books that are of particular genres such as horror is not something you want your readers to be exposed to, have that stipulated upfront.  Meet with the person who be read to.  See what kind of books they like.  Do they prefer religious books?  Do they like only a few authors?  How about classics?  Once you know what they like, you can decide on a book.

If you don’t already have the books on hand, getting them could be pricey especially if the whole family is doing this.  Check local second hand stores for copies.  Even asking the local bookstore if they would like to be involved and donate the books or give them to you at a discount is a good idea.  Don’t forget the library!  This is a great resource for books.  

Read a chapter each visit.  Talk to them about what you read.  This is a great opportunity for everyone involved.  Reading is wonderful, and to be able to give to it to those that cannot enjoy it like they used to is a privilege.  Share the love of reading.

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