All About Reading

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Homonyms from Cite to Coaled

by Lisa Binion

Homonyms are words that sound just alike, yet are spelled differently and have completely different meanings. These words are easily confused by many people, even writers. How many of the following words did you realize were homonyms? Please realize, I don't give every meaning for each word. Consult your dictionary for a complete understanding of each word.

cite, sight, and site
Cite means to quote, to mention in support or proof of, to summon, or to call to mind.
The attorney will cite the constitution in her client's defense.
Sight means a view or glimpse.
The distracted mouse was totally unaware that the cat had him in its sight and was preparing to pounce.
A site is the position of a town or building. It is also the address of something on the internet. As a verb, it means to put in a position for operation.
The site of David's business was in the heart of the Appalachians.
David's grandfather taught him to site a rifle.

cited, sighted, and sited
Cited is the past tense of cite.
The attorney cited the constitution in her client's defense.
Sighted is the past tense of sight.
The distracted mouse was totally unaware that the cat had sighted him and was preparing to pounce.
Sited is the past tense of site.
David sited the rifle before shooting at the unsuspecting deer.

cites, sights, and sites
You should already know the meanings of the above words, so I'm just going to give some example sentences. You would use this tense of verb when writing in the present tense.
The attorney cites the constitution in her client's defense.
The unsuspecting mouse is totally unaware of what is happening as the cat sights him and prepares to pounce.
David sites the rifle before shooting the unsuspecting deer.

Claus, clause, and claws
Everyone knows who Claus is. He is the fat, jolly guy who is supposed to bring gifts.
Melinda hid behind the couch on Christmas Eve to see if she could catch sight of Santa Claus when he snuck into the house with their gifts.
A clause is a provision in a treaty, will, or other legal document.
The clause in the will stated that Matthew had to complete college before he would receive his inheritance.
Claws are the sharp , curved nails of an animal.
The dog's owners have to take him to the vet every time he his claws need trimmed.

clew and clue
A clew is a ball or skein of thread or yarn.
Granny stuck her knitting needles in the lavender clew.
A clue is a hint.
The murderer unintentionally left behind a myriad of clues..

click and clique
A click is a slight, sharp sound.
Precious was trained to listen for the click of the latch.
A clique is an exclusive group.
The trio of rich girls formed a clique and refused to become friends with anyone else.

climb and clime
When you climb, you go up or ascend.
George took care when he needed to climb the old and rickety ladder.
Clime is the climate or weather conditions.
The moderate clime in the valley persuaded the Johnson family to sell their home and move.

close and clothes
When you close something, you shut it.
Please close the door when you leave.
Clothes are garments.
Their new clothes are all washed and ready to wear.

coal and cole
Coal is a combustible mineral substance used as fuel.
Jack's father worked in the coal mines of West Virginia.
Cole is a curly-leafed cabbage. Wow. I wonder if that is how they came up with the word 'coleslaw'.
Jennifer picked some cole out of the garden to go with dinner.

coaled and cold
Coaled means to supply with coal.
The coaled-up locomotives steamed down the tracks; the others just sat still.
Cold means chilly or at a lower temperature than what is comfortable.
The fall nights are beginning to turn cold.

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