All About Reading

Friday, December 9, 2011

Taking Your Toddler to the Library

The library can be a very resourceful place and even fun for small children. Taking your toddler to the library is an important step in their love of reading. How do you do it? What do you tell your toddler about the library?

Make sure you take your toddler to the library for the first time on a day when there are not many extra activities going on. Too much stimulus can be too much for a small child and their parent. By eliminating distractions, your child can focus more on you and the librarian as they learn what the library is and how to use it.

Before walking into the library, remind your child that they need to use their “inside voice.” Libraries are not the whispering sanctuaries they were a few decades ago. Normal conversation levels are perfectly acceptable. Normal for an adult is quite different than the “normal” of a toddler. Stress the use of the inside voice which should also be used by the parent as an example until the child is more familiar and comfortable with the place.

As you walk in, show them the “adult” section and the section just for them. They will be excited to see that they will have their own special section where they can play and enjoy books. Also point out how the children’s section is divided even further into reading levels. Direct them to the books that fit their level and show them which shelves are for them. 

As a parent, you might want to make sure that you are familiar with the library layout before taking your child. Take a day and explore the children’s section so that when you take your child, you are not fumbling around which can add to the confusion and apprehension of the child. After all, this is a whole new building with all sorts of people in it. You need to make this first visit comfortable and fun.

Show them how to take a book off the shelf and be kind to it. If you have books at home, remind them how they respect their books and treat them kindly. Emphasize placing the books back on the shelf in the same hole that it occupied before.

Take your toddler to the various activity stations that your library might have for children. There might be chairs for them to read in. Maybe games they can play with. 

You might want to consider introducing your toddler to the librarian. Maybe he/she can show your child around and explain how the library works. This can help your child learn who to go to for help and who are the ones who run the library.

When your child can see all those books and is allowed to take one to two home with them, they will walk with pride and excitement. They will have taken one more step in their growing phase. Show them how much fun the library can be.

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